heir acclaimed vintage-inspired compressors, preamps, and mics have famously upset the pro audio price/performance ratio; so when Warm Audio turned its attention to the granddaddy of large-diaphragm tube condenser microphones, you know it had to be good. And it is. With its discrete, transformer-balanced vacuum tube circuitry and custom reproduction capsule, the WA-47 nails the huge, bold sound of the beloved and revered '47 — a sound heard on countless iconic recordings.
Flash back to any top recording studio in the 1960s. You'll see the venerable '47 everywhere. It was Sinatra's vocal mic of choice and one of George Martin's go-to microphones on Beatles sessions, and it now occupies a lofty perch in the pantheon of the greatest microphones ever made. It's this classic circuit design — dating back more than half a century — that Warm Audio closely followed for the WA-47. But this is no mere clone, and innovations abound. Nine available polar patterns and robust 140dB SPL handling translate to incredible versatility; there's literally no source the WA-47 can't finesse with its inimitable seductive sonics.